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See Before-and-After Images of Real Patients at NJ’s Sood Center

You can read all you want about your procedure or treatment of choice, but nothing beats seeing how the results can look in real life! Browse the Sood Center photo gallery for before-and-after images of patients from NJ in Haddonfield, Linwood, and beyond.

In-Office Mini Facelift


Surgeon : Mohit Sood


54 year old patient with concerns of her lower jawline and neck.  Patient was a nervous for a full facelift, but wished to be educated about both options.  She was a good canidate for an in-office mini facelift at Sood Center.  After pictures display 4 week post op results.

*Individual patient results may vary

Sood Center

To discover how we can transform your physique, reach out to Sood Center with locations in Linwood (609.904.5390) and Haddonfield (856.403.9686). Schedule your consultation with us today for a revitalized silhouette.


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