Home | Surgery Options | Body Surgery | Liposuction | CAN THE FAT COME BACK AFTER BELLY LIPOSUCTION?
Abdominal liposuction or “belly liposuction” at New Jersey’s Sood Center for Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery is a stomach fat removal treatment that addresses resistant or stubborn fat on the stomach that is difficult to get rid of with exercise or diet alone. One of the most common questions people considering this procedure ask is, “Will the fat come back after belly liposuction?” See below for information about the results of belly liposuction and how best to maintain the sleeker and slimmer physique.
Contact Sood Center for Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery for more details about belly liposuction in New Jersey. Call us at (609) 904-5390 (Linwood) or (856) 403-9686 (Haddonfield) or submit a contact form to request a consultation.
Tumescent liposuction for belly fat or belly liposuction is designed to remove the unwanted fat from your stomach area for good. However, it’s still possible to gain weight if you allow yourself to, which will make the results of stomach liposuction look less impressive.
Surgical fat-reduction procedures are designed to remove fat cells from targeted, localized areas of the body. The fat cells are literally suctioned out, so they can’t return.
Generally, the more weight you gain after liposuction for men and women alike, the less dramatic the outcome will be. That said, plastic surgeons recommend maintaining your post-lipo weight if you want to preserve the best possible results. If you gain a small amount of weight, your overall improved body shape provided by liposuction can still remain mostly intact, as the treated areas have fewer fat cells compared to other surrounding body areas.
Even so, gaining weight after a procedure could also alter the proportions as remaining fat cells grow larger again. It’s best to achieve a stable ideal weight before the surgery, then stay at that weight after.
With all of this in mind, are you now ready to search for information about belly liposuction prices? Contact us if you would like more advice about laser lipolysis (laser lipo), belly liposuction costs or other lipo costs (including laser lipo costs), what to expect before and after liposuction on the belly, and other details.
Aside from stomach liposuction or belly liposuction, there are similar treatments available for almost any area of the body. When you search for “liposuction near me,” you are likely to find the following types of treatments and much more:
Chin liposuction, “chin lipo,” or neck liposuction addresses fat between the chin and neck, while arm lipo reduces fat on the upper arms that causes “batwings” or “bingo wings.” (See what we mean by viewing arm lipo before-and-after images.) Thigh liposuction helps to enhance the shape on the lower body by reducing fat on the upper area of the legs, complemented well by hip liposuction. There is also back lipo, lipo for love handles, and more.
Sood Center also provides other forms of plastic surgery to enhance your body shape, including tummy tuck, breast augmentation, breast lift, and Brazilian butt lift surgery.
Although belly liposuction helps you reduce resistant stomach fat, a tummy tuck could be the better treatment option if you would like to have sagging skin removed. Liposuction and tummy tuck are sometimes combined to maximize results. Beyond this, breast augmentation enhances the size and shape of the breasts, and a breast lift gives the breasts a perkier, youthful look. A Brazilian butt lift can make the buttocks look fuller and rounder. CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive option for fat reduction, providing natural-looking, but lessdramatic results.
If you would like to learn more about belly liposuction in New Jersey, contact Sood Center for Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery for further details. Call us at (609) 904-5390 (Linwood) or (856) 403-9686 (Haddonfield) or submit a contact form to request a consultation.
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